Friday, July 18, 2008

construction fun for all!

they have been building a house right behind mine for about 9 months now. apparently, today, some guys were JACKHAMMERING in the alley and they HIT THE GAS MAIN!... Yep! My neighbor Will went out in the morning and saw them drilling... he joked with them "don't hit the gas main"... so, I guess they did!
Right now my whole neighborhood is surrounded with fire trucks and hasmat trucks. They are "metering" to measure the gas levels. Nobody can open any garages in case of a spark. All of my neighbors that work from home are hanging out wondering if we will have to evacuate.
Candy, Will's wife was kind enough to contact me regarding my cats. Just in case we do have to evacuate, she will put them in their cat carrier thing and take them with her.
So, I'm at work and its better that I am here while all of this is going on, yet stressful!
There is NO SHUT OFF VALVE FOR THE GAS MAIN, so the City is drilling a hole in the street to create some emergency alternate route for the gas?!...
fun stuff!

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