Friday, August 15, 2008

nothing is ever as it seems

is it me or is EVERYTHING always different than we imagine it will be? I know, no expectations are good expectations... think the worst and you won't be disappointed. Yep, got that part. Regardless, somehow, we all embark on new projects, events, adventures and I think it would be unnatural to not have some sort of idea of what you think you are getting yourself into. Right???... so, its my personal experience that things really never are what I think they will be. I prefer to look at the cup half full, with sunshine around it and nice warm fuzzy things like that. The Buddhists say, there will always be pain and you will never be happy. They are simply implying that happiness begets sadness, pain/pleasure, light/dark, etc... its the cycle of life. woe! this has turned into a much deeper conversation that intended. See... nothing is as it seems! =P

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

no news is good news

based on my recent years filled with unbelievable amounts of stress... its nice to look around and notice that nothing is happening. really, nothing. which is refreshing. not boring at all, refreshing!
On the other hand it makes for a pretty boring blog so I'm going to have to reach into the archives to share another one of my crazy stories or anecdotes with you all...
I love it when the mail box is empty! breathe easy!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

next time I'm rushing home

I was just reading "older posts" of mine. I remembered a conversation I was having with one of my other "single girl" neighbors on the day after the Hasmat Emergency at home. She did leave work. Came home to check on her dogs and to be here. I guess she said that with all of the firemen and other hard working men from the gas company there was a great selection of good looking guys around. Maybe they needed some cold water or cookies or something? I could have helped out somehow if necessary.
We laughed about next time... I am coming home! However, she didn't meet anyone that day... hmmm???? never know!


Beware of the word wonderful... best to wait a bit before making that call. Everyone is always someone else when you first meet them. They say they're not, but they are. I probably am too... but then again, I can't be sure. I'm pretty direct. Still can't count on that in the masses. Its too bad that there is always a game even when they say there isn't. That's probably your first, second and/or third clue that its more a game than you ever imagined! It's exhausting dating. The biggest mind fuck there is! I don't understand why the misleading stories and the contradictions so soon after. I guess people don't think you're paying attention when they talk. That you won't remember just last week they said the exact opposite to your face! Well, our skills of detecting these things get much better as we go along. Usually its not that difficult, people are stupid! By now I have a lot of practice at it! More than I care to admit...
Always best when things just somehow happen, click and flow. Its been a while since I've had that experience.

chapter 4 forever!

I am sure most of you are unaware that I have been taking the course necessary to get my Real Estate License. I am not trying to be a Realtor to sit around on weekends at open houses with the hopes to sell a house or two... nope, that's not the case. First of all, I have been investing in real estate for years, sometimes more successfully than others. I have bought and sold a lot of houses. That does not give you the information necessary to pass that test. I have been invited to participate in a very lucrative project with some friends, but I need a license. I should note at this point that I have taken a class 3 times and was either kicked out or left eagerly. The information that is covered to prepare you for that test is so boring I could die! Well, being motivated by that project, I am struggling to get through this course again, at home... dangerous! I would rather do everything and anything other than study and it shows. On top of that, I have noticed it takes me 3 times to read a chapter before the shit sticks in my brain due to complete and utter boredom and a lack of interest.
As a result I was reading chapter 4, that's right only chapter 4, for the 3rd time today. It took me 2 hours because I did 3 loads of laundry, changed my clothes 2x, brushed both of my cats, called a couple of friends, rented a porno and masturbated... yep... and finally... I finished chapter 4! whew! it only took me 3 weeks?... or 4 weeks?... I am never going to make it in time for this project. However, I am going to make it this time if it kills me, and it may just do that!
It seems to me they repeat all of the information they teach you over and over again. Chapter 5 at a glance is the same as chapter 3, should help me get past that one this week?! ha, ha, ha! UGH!!! If anyone knows a way around this please let me know!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Paying our respects.

I was having dinner with Creampie on Wednesday night. We had just sat down and were ordering our drinks. Creampie is chatting away about her day. She says to me "I almost wasn't able to make it here tonight"... She said she was driving down Crenshaw, her normal route home, and she was looking around wondering "where is everybody at?!". Suddenly she came upon a funeral home and she said to me "Honey, I almost had to pull over and pay my respects!... there were a ton of hot men there!" I laughed really hard and responded with, "that ever happens again you better get me on the phone! I'll throw on a sexy black dress and pay my respects with you!"... we are seriously joking about funeral crashing to pick up guys! Kind of a good idea! I know, they did that in wedding crashers movie... Still wouldn't put it past Creampie and I!