Saturday, August 2, 2008

chapter 4 forever!

I am sure most of you are unaware that I have been taking the course necessary to get my Real Estate License. I am not trying to be a Realtor to sit around on weekends at open houses with the hopes to sell a house or two... nope, that's not the case. First of all, I have been investing in real estate for years, sometimes more successfully than others. I have bought and sold a lot of houses. That does not give you the information necessary to pass that test. I have been invited to participate in a very lucrative project with some friends, but I need a license. I should note at this point that I have taken a class 3 times and was either kicked out or left eagerly. The information that is covered to prepare you for that test is so boring I could die! Well, being motivated by that project, I am struggling to get through this course again, at home... dangerous! I would rather do everything and anything other than study and it shows. On top of that, I have noticed it takes me 3 times to read a chapter before the shit sticks in my brain due to complete and utter boredom and a lack of interest.
As a result I was reading chapter 4, that's right only chapter 4, for the 3rd time today. It took me 2 hours because I did 3 loads of laundry, changed my clothes 2x, brushed both of my cats, called a couple of friends, rented a porno and masturbated... yep... and finally... I finished chapter 4! whew! it only took me 3 weeks?... or 4 weeks?... I am never going to make it in time for this project. However, I am going to make it this time if it kills me, and it may just do that!
It seems to me they repeat all of the information they teach you over and over again. Chapter 5 at a glance is the same as chapter 3, should help me get past that one this week?! ha, ha, ha! UGH!!! If anyone knows a way around this please let me know!

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