Wednesday, February 25, 2009


wow! should I say stimulus right now too! haha... not talking about our country, or our economy... referring to my recent "little surgery". The before mentioned IUD removal. Yesterday was the "procedure" in the hospital, under anesthesia. Considered an official surgery. What a crazy experience! Of course I am an HMO right now so I find myself in hospitals and doctor offices I would not have necessarily chosen as a PPO. Either way, the job gets done and you meet interesting people along the way. Kayla picked me up at 5am! and drove me to the Gardena Memorial Hospital where my procedure was scheduled at 7:30. Made it through admitting after they slammed me with a $700 COD charge for my insurance deductible. Of course nobody bothered to tell me about that! I could hardly wait for the anesthesia after that swift kick in the bank account.
In the "triage" getting "prepped" at least 4 different nurses or whatever swing by, review my file and ask me the same series of questions: when was the last time you ate or drank? do you have diabetes, strokes, etc.. One of which is a nurse who says she will be attending my surgery. I took that opportunity to ask her a couple of pending questions. How do they dilate me? Will it hurt when I wake up? for how long? I guess people don't ask questions as she seemed miffed by my interview.
Next the anesthesiologist comes in. Whatever she is saying I can't even focus because I was transfixed on her jewelry. Not diamonds, semi-precious set of lapis from spain as I am told by her. I told her as soon as she knocks me out she can feel free to drop that set into my bag of personal belongings under my bed! she laughed.
Ok, finally my doctor arrives, lets get this party started! I'm on the operating table feeling the meds (that was my favorite part). Next thing I know I am KIND OF waking up to this little Indian woman shaking this container at me and saying "we got it out Laura". And then she was gone! Was that a dream? It looked like my doctor! Moments later I am in EXTREME PAIN and shivering like crazy for what seemed like forever! (that was the worst part of the entire day) FINALLY someone approached me with some warm blankets and a shot of demerol... 10 long minutes later I could finally relax. Love demerol! and warm blankets, another favorite moment. Waiting, waiting, waiting. Half hour in "recovery", wheel me into "triage" again. They ask what "his name is" regarding who is waiting for me outside. As we all know, I don't have a "him" in my life. Kayla was waiting outside in her car. Of course everything I do, and probably most everyone I know as well, is done unlike the rest of society!
I was fighting with my bed trying to reach the bag of belongings underneath to get to my phone. Needed to text Kayla to get in here or they would not let me go! Finally someone helped me to get my phone. Soon after Kayla was in my room. Of course her and I were causing a scene, the usual bantering and teasing between us. She was trying to take pictures of me! for those of you who know her, not surprising!... they wanted to get us out of there! I was finally told I could get dressed. They checked my vitals one last time and said "no sex for two weeks"... as Kayla lets out a loud laugh on that note from across the isle! I tell her to shut up and place my focus back on the nurse who is happy for the comedy relief. They hand me a box with a sandwich and some juice and let me go. I left the box of food behind and we were out of there.
A day of vicodin and rest. Today is the final day of rest. Motrin is the drug of choice today. Pain is bad, but not that bad. Back to life tomorrow... whew! Glad that's finally over!!!

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