Saturday, February 21, 2009

who are these people?! this topic revisited...

yep, here we are again! seriously! WTF!!!
online dating, unbelievable comments by random individuals... who are they? At work I was talking to a new online client. I love these people that are IT people from "the real world" with a "new client"... this guy had a conversation with me that was insane! He thought I was insane too! He wanted all the answers to the point where co-workers heard my end of the conversation and gathered around with disbelief of what this guy was asking. Among other crazy things, he wanted me to tell him what size box each of the over 15,000 items in our warehouse would need. Which is crazy, not to mention what would happen if someone ordered two things? or more? or any combination of any of the items in the warehouse! He was beside himself that I could not unlock the combination to his freight charges dilemma with specific details! Who are these people?
Ok, the online dating scene. These guys from other states insisting on instant true love by seeing my, or I'm sure any number of women's profiles. First of all, I tell them all I am not interested in a long distance relationship of any kind. They insist we can still chat, maybe something is there and I'm missing out. OK, I choose to talk for a bit knowing it will just go away soon. However, one guy actually asked me to "start my life over and move to Tampa, Florida to spend my life with him!" I have never met him. I have talked on the phone with him 4 times... text a few times! Who are these people? I kindly told him to lose my number.
Local dating... men are lazy. they want everything to just happen. they don't want to call you, they expect you to call them. they don't ask you out in advance, they think its ok to text you and ask you out to get together later today? As if I have nothing else going on in my life. They they get upset because I'm already busy!WTF?! What happened to the chivalry in this world! It's exhausting! Again, who are these people?! I can go on and on but this entry is already too long.

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