Monday, May 12, 2008


the topic of the day... heartache. not fun, not funny. really quite agonizing. the harder you fall the longer it lasts. today its here again for me, strong! tears, that lump in your chest, ugh! it does pass, sometimes more slowly than others. but when you are going through it it seems to last forever. It takes its time melting away. Some days you don't even feel anything. That must be a sign you really are moving on. other days it knocks you on your knee's. its all a process.
I'll bet most of you didn't even know I was in love. it was short and sweet and it wiped me out. taking a big time out now...
what do they say? its better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel u sistah been there done that but i kinda distance myself more like put up a wall which makes it hard for me to fall for someone, thus saving myself from the heartache of a lost love. you will get over it just know if you need a hug or a person to talk to im here.