Thursday, May 8, 2008

that stupid spider!

we have all been through this I'm sure!
last night I was walking into my bathroom, had to pee... not wearing much... and as I clicked on the light, thank God I did by the way! I saw it... a black spider about the size of a quarter! That's a big spider! No hair. It looked like a black widow. Black widow's don't have hair right? Well, it stopped me in my tracks! Right about then my phone rang... I jumped at the sound! I was very focused on that stupid spider! What to do?! I was barefoot of course!
So, I left the bathroom, came back with the biggest, bulkiest shoe I could find. By then it had wandered up the wall to park itself on the black tile that trims my bathroom... Camouflage! Grrrrr! I smashed that thing repeatedly... it ran from the tile on the wall to the floor. I am jumping and screaming and smashing the shoe on the ground... UGH! Finally, squash!
I dropped the shoe and AHHHHH finally I can pee!
Last week we were all swapping scary spider stories in the office. Do you have one? I have several. It was just funny that the phone rang right when I noticed the stupid thing and I jumped. Was our office conversation the thing that energetically triggered the appearance of this big black spider?
Anyway, I piled up a ton of TP and scooped it up to flush. Later days big black spider!
I also had a talk with the cats, clearly they are not doing their job here!


A Place For Me To Vent said...

Well have a Corona that's my suggestion for the day. i have learned it works well for anything pissing you off, and obviously the spider was, and works great to revive squash and cucumber plants that you try and kill!

And by the way we need more drink remedies from everyone to add to the LASFALS "Live a stress free life style" program here! People get on it send me your drink recipes for stress relief! We can all use it!

Anonymous said...

dude i'm sure it wasnt like that day there was a spider in bonnies office and she was like totally going nuts. hahaha again another reason for me to not like girly girls