Saturday, January 24, 2009

epicenter was at my house

7:42pm Friday January 22 2009... S. California had an earthquake. We do have them about once every few weeks lately. Usually they are a subtle rumbling that last anywhere from 5seconds to 30 seconds... WELL! Last night I was sitting at home watching TV, talking on the phone and chillin w/ the cats. Mogli was on the chair across the room and Bugeria was on my lap. Suddenly, with no notice, not even for the cats, there was a LOUD BOOM! a vibrational rumbling for about 3 seconds followed by another LOUD BOOM!!!! I realized it was an earthquake. It felt like time froze. I was looking at my ceiling waiting for my house to cave in. It literally felt like a semi hit the building and then another hit it again going full speed! I have never been so close to an epicenter like that! It scared me so badly that I started to cry in fear. I immediately called Kayla, she felt it, but subtly. Finally I found out it was "only 3.4 and the epicenter was in Marina del Rey". That's where Creampie lives so I promptly called her. She said "yea, it woke me up but I only felt one boom." I told her the epicenter was in MDR and she said "thanks for telling me"... well on that note I decided the epicenter was AT MY HOUSE... THAT'S RIGHT! scary!

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