Saturday, January 17, 2009

go easy on Obama please

everyone is so excited about the inauguration, our new president, a moment in history. Obama is walking into the biggest mess ever! He's also the first African American President of USA... as we know, hence, history being made. He has made a lot of great promises of change with a lot of "hope"... in 3 years when everything is not fixed, or perfect, lets not blame Obama. Knowing the mentality of the people in our country he could also go down in history as the stupid N-word that f'd up the US. My point is, there is so much that needs to be fixed and its unreasonable to expect it could be fixed within 4 years. I believe he will make changes for the good whether we see their effects immediately or not. He seems like the most decent and sincere person we have voted in in years. We all have to keep things into perspective and do our part to help this country too. Yes, one person can make a difference. Just look around yourself and see what you might do to make a difference. No matter how small. Please, go easy on Obama, he is human and our country is severely f'd up!

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